A place for discussion & pornography related to the gay cuckold lifestyle. Users are encouraged to share their experiences, stories, pictures, links, videos, helpful tips, and ask for advice.
Please note that solicitation of any kind is not permitted. If you are looking for someone to meet with or DM, please post your request on r/gaycuckoldpersonals instead.
All men featured in videos, images, or stories (fiction or non-fiction) must be 18 years or older. Absolutely no content involving minors is permitted. Users who violate this rule will be immediately and permanently banned.
In order to prevent content from being drowned out by personal ads, we have decided to ban solicitations on this sub altogether. This includes R4R (“looking for”) posts and the solicitation of private messages. Posts requesting DMs are only permitted in cases where the user is legitimately seeking emotional support. Otherwise, if you are looking for someone to meet up with or chat privately, please visit r/gaycuckoldpersonals instead.
Unless you create high quality content that has a specific focus on gay cuckolding, do not use this sub to promote personal channels. (OnlyFans, Snapchat, etc.) If the mods determine that you are ultimately here just to sell your brand of generic pornographic content on other platforms, you will be banned.
Users may not post generic selfies or other imagery that is not directly relevant to the theme of gay cuckolding. Note that it is not sufficient to place a cuckolding caption over an otherwise generic image or video. If you wouldn't know that a post could plausibly be about cuckolding without the title, it doesn't belong here.
Further, we do not allow posts that have been shared extensively across multiple subreddits, especially if they have been shared elsewhere in non-cuckolding contexts.
/r/Cuckold (1.7M)
/r/CuckoldCommunity (140.9K)
/r/CuckoldPsychology (139.5K)
/r/HotwifeAdvice (33.0K)
/r/CuckoldVerified (315.0K)
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