Gay sex confessions and stories. Stories must be related to those 18+ at the time of the activity. Violations will be removed and violators banned permanently with no warnings.
Do NOT solicit for personal messages here. (DMs, PMs, Socials, numbers, and so on.) NO personals ads or solicitations.
All confessions must be related to those over 18 years old at the time of the activities. Violations of this rule will be removed, locked, and the violators banned without warnings.
Please report these using the "Minor abuse or sexualization" instead of this option so that reports go directly to Reddit instead of the subreddit.
This subreddit prohibits soliciting of any type. Do not ask for DMs, PMs, Numbers, Socials, or any other form of soliciting personal contact. This is not a personals subreddit. Violators will be banned and reported as spam.
If you are open to receiving messages, set your user flair to DMs Accepted
Treat others as you wish to be treated. There is no room for bigotry or needlessly rude, aggressive behavior here. If you can't be kind, keep it to yourself. Report violations of our rules or site rules rather than arguing with others.
Do not post explicit confessions or stories of those related more closely than first cousins. Failure to follow this will result in an immediate ban.
/r/GloryHomo (19.0K)
/r/womeninprison (17.7K)
/r/RobloxR34ViewAndShare (8.5K)
/r/RedditsPornDude (3.4K)
/r/sebastiansolaceR34 (491)
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