Pics of girls kissing each other. 18+ NSFW (nudity, softcore)
All people in pictures and videos must be at least 18 years of age. Never publicly share pics or videos of persons under 18. r/girlskissing is a NSFW subreddit and must stay 18+ for all content and visitors.
Depictions that are very sexual should go to other subreddits, r/girlskissing is focused only on kissing. Don't post content with any type of genital stimulation or penetration (even implied). There should be no genital spreads, no penises, no humping/grinding, no nipple licking/pinching, no fingering, no hands down pants or even near crotches, no assholes, no models showing off sex-readiness, though nudity is fine - in short there should just be KISSING and not a lot else!
Please report dead links and posts that don't work with the Reddit in-line preview (the play button / image expander), such as links that aren't direct to the content.
Simply put, this is fun and friendly place - hostile comments don't serve any purpose here. If a comment is unfriendly or antagonistic then the subreddit is better off if it is removed.
This includes disparaging remarks about valid content that others may enjoy. Negative opinions aren't helpful. Your negative thoughts and feelings are valid, but you should find content you enjoy and comment positively instead.
Comments with links must link to something relevant to the post. Links must not be to sites with malware or that include questionable advertising, or contain any underage content. Please report obvious SPAM as breaking "Reddit rule: Spam" instead!
Please check /top/ posts or karmadecay and refrain from posting anything that is already here!
No Advertising, please! Mods are asking that you not post advertising, even if you are posting your OC. Please watermark your content so that users know how to find you.
Do not post titles asking for identification or 'source'.
No single girls, no girls 'almost' kissing
/r/MenKissing (28.3K)
/r/on_all_fours (9.7K)
/r/CumOnKisses (83.9K)
/r/BlackGirlsKissing (86.4K)
/r/AI_Bondage (638)
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