A sub for pictures of girls with guns. Clothing is optional and the guns don't have to be real.
If you would like to post please request through modmail, I had to restrict the sub due to mass amounts of porn spam
If you're posting your only fans etc, please keep it out of the title and put it in the comments or as a watermark on the photo. Apparently the bot catches the links as spam but if it is a top comment to a proper post I will manually approve it!
Straight to a perma-ban if you break this rule.
Simple, don't be a creep. Yes, there's girls posting in various states of undress. No, that does not mean you get to be a fuckin weirdo to them. OC is infinitely more valuable to the sub than a creeper. You will be banned.
Nobody wants a shiny new hole on accident, follow the four rules of gun safety.
1) Don't point a gun at anything you don't want dead
2) Treat every gun as if it is loaded
3) Know your target and what is beyond it
4) Keep your boogerhook off the bangswitch
This rule subject to leniency if the gun is obviously airsoft or a toy.
Due to complaints of outside image hosts being riddled with spam and pop-ups only images posted directly to reddit or imgur are allowed.
Don't like it, you're welcome to fuck off.
/r/WarriorWomen (60.3K)
/r/cannabiscamaraderie (277)
/r/DarkPassengerXXX (650)
/r/GunsAndGirls (14.9K)
/r/OnlyGuns (8.3K)
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