Spicy subreddit /r/gonewildcurvy

About this subreddit:

GoneWildCurvy is a secure community where female Redditors can show off their nude or partially nude bodies. It is geared towards women with a shapely figure, but all women are free to post!


  1. 1. 1. Posters must be VERIFIED and 18+

    All content is NSFW by default. Posters must be verified and 18+. Thanks for your reports on posters without verification!

    All active posters must have a verification from r/gonewildcurvy in their posting history. If you have not posted in a year or more, we will ask you to reverify to ensure your continued consent.

  2. 2. 2. No trolling or offensive comments

    No trolling or offensive comments. Users leaving rude comments will be banned after one incident, no warnings. Members of the community should report offensive comments or inappropriate posts. Reports are anonymous and help the mod team keep the sub running smoothly.

  3. 3. 3. Baiting / Pity Posts / Self-deprecating Titles

    Don't feed the trolls - this applies to both post titles and comments. Do not engage with users who leave rude or negative comments on posts - instead, report them. Similarly, you will be asked to resubmit any self-deprecating / kink / fishing / pity post (“my boyfriend broke up with me!”, "daddy made me...") titles.

  4. 4. 4. Don't flood the feed

    Remember that GWC is a shared community - please do not post more than twice in a 24 hour period. If you'd like to share lots of content, we recommend posting albums instead of single images. Users flooding the feed will receive a warning; multiple warnings will result in a ban.

  5. 5. 5. Asking for Votes (Directly or Indirectly)

    Do not ask for upvotes, directly or indirectly, in post titles or comments. Your post will be removed and you will be asked to resubmit with a new title.

    Examples of Asking for Votes Directly or Indirectly:

    Direct: "Upvote if you want to see more!" Indirect: "I will ____ for every upvote this post gets."

  6. 6. 6. No commercial activities

    No commercial accounts or activities of any kind allowed on the sub. We do not verify posters who promote or have any commercial activity on reddit. This includes paid camming, panty selling, premium snap, and any and all forms of interaction that involve money, including PornHub affiliate links, and Onlyfan accounts.

  7. 7. 7. GWC is for pictures of yourself

    Posters must be amateur and can only post images of themselves. The only exception to this is for verified couples. Photos featuring males are only permitted in appropriately tagged [M+F] posts from verified couples. If you're female, but not 'born that way' please use a [T], [CD], or [?] tag to let everyone know that what they are clicking on might be a surprise.

  8. 8. 8. No Self / Profile / Follower / Chat Promotion

    It is okay to encourage users to PM you, but posts offering or requesting private exchanges off of r/gonewildcurvy are not what GWC is about and will be removed.

    Any comments or posts mentioning kik, snapchat, or promoting personal subreddits, profiles, or accounts will be removed. It's awesome that your profile has 1000 followers - give big ups on your profile, not on r/gonewildcurvy.

  9. 9. 9. No posting or hinting of personal info

    No posting or hinting of personal info! Think you recognize someone? Keep it to yourself or you will be banned and reported to reddit admin. Posters - all posts / comments with location information will be deleted.

  10. 10. 10. No screenshots

    No screenshots of any kind

  11. 11. 11. Don't disrespect the mods

    No disrespect for the moderators; we're here to enforce the rules and keep GWC as intended, and nobody knows better than the Mods what GWC is about.

Number of subscribers:


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