Pics, vids and gifs of girls with hands in their panties.
If you are posting OC, you will need to be verified with the sub. You can do this by posting a photo of yourself holding a piece of paper with your username written on it.
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Please do not fish for karma, or "karma whore".
No witch-hunting or negativity will be allowed within this sub. This includes trolling, negative or cruel comments about images posted, excessive complaining, seeking out the personal information of OC, etc.
Please do not crosspost OC. OC is for the original creator to post only.
This rule is two-fold. First, no content featuring a minor may be posted anywhere on Reddit - this is a sitewide rule and we take it very seriously. Additionally, this is an adult sub, and users that are found to be minors will be banned immediately.
This includes links to OnlyFans, Patreon, and the like. Please keep such content to your profile.
/r/desifeet (21.4K)
/r/Sensual_photography (71.4K)
/r/PornstarHeaven (10.9K)
/r/NSFWFloGrown (5)
/r/letsshootthis (924)
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