Hentai Breeding is a subreddit dedicated to anime women getting knocked up. Be sure to subscribe and read the rules.
For the purposes of this subreddit there needs to be the suggestion of impregnation beyond that of a creampie. Examples of this can include but are not limited to:
All submissions must be NSFW only.
Extreme fetishes such as gore, scat, and etc. are not allowed.
Failure to provide a link to the source will result in post removal. Please link only twitter, pixiv, or other official source hubs. Danbooru/Gelbooru links only allowed if the original source is gone.
If you need help finding the source, try using iqdb.
Reposts are not allowed content that has been posted within the last 60 days.
These are only examples, and this rule is enforced based on the spirit of the rule, not the letter of the law. For example, if you wait 61 days to repost something, you may face the same punishments.
AI Art generated from prompts/using other artworks are not allowed.
Do not advertise products or services here. This includes- but not limited to- itch.io games or OnlyFans.
/r/LumineNSFW (76.8K)
/r/CatGirlsInHeat (48.1K)
/r/Reze_Hentai (10.8K)
/r/AIGenNSFW (7.2K)
/r/DandadanNSFW (3.1K)
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