Hippie chicks. The rare, natural beauties that celebrate sexual independence, sexual power, sexual freedom. And may or may not be hairy.
NSFW by default but doesn't always have to be. We celebrate all hippie women in any way, shape or form. It should go without saying that if you are a male and submitting here, you will be banned with extreme prejudice. Homophobia is NOT tolerated here.
This is not a selling sub. Any mention of selling or any social media in the title or comments may result in a temporary or permanent ban.
No "DM for more", "Go to my profile" or asking for upvotes. Posting with similar titles may result in a ban. If you come here as a model that wants to make money, you'll just have to trust someone will take interest in you and look you up on their own. If not, don't post.
This also includes watermarks that are links to OnlyFans/Snapchat/Cashapp/ etc
ZERO spam(includes clickbait, pity, leading titles or luring visitors to your profile) Do not mention other subreddits. It is still advertising
It's not allowed to post the same content to many additional subreddits. Content posted here should be reasonably unique.
Be kind. We have zero tolerance for trolls
Do NOT ask or bait for upvotes, dm, tributes, follows, trades, jo buds, etc
Tribute submissions, requests and offers will be met with a permaban.
While you should watermark your photos for your own protection, posts with overly large watermarks, advertisements, or excessive filter use will be removed
If you are using watermarks on your picture, please make sure they match your username. Watermarks that contain links to any of your other social media will be considered as advertising and will be removed.
All subjects in submissions must be of legal age and all models must be 18+ years old
This should go without saying...
No calls to action. Call to action is a marketing term for any design to prompt an immediate response or encourage an immediate sale. A CTA most often refers to the use of words or phrases that can be incorporated into sales scripts, advertising messages, or web pages, which compel an audience to act in a specific way
Do NOT post or request personal information about the people in the pictures. This includes social media information, location details other than a public place, etc
Mods will remove posts and comments that do not fit the theme of the subreddit for a variety of reasons that may or may not be known or made available to you
Keep it relevant to the theme. A little poetic license is allowed but not much. Not flagrant display of genitals, or acts of sex. Your submission must contain a hippie related female, as the name of this subreddit is quite obvious.
There is a karma requirement to post here. If your account does not meet the requirement, you will be notified and your post will be removed. Do not message the mods, you will be banned, your post will not be approved, we will not lower our karma threshold for posting as it increases our vulnerability to spam bots, and we will not tell you what our thresholds are as that information could also be used by spammers. Thanks for understanding.
/r/SexPositive (99.6K)
/r/Feminization (377.9K)
/r/Hardcoresissycaptions (20.9K)
/r/FemEncouragement (814)
/r/sissysonandmom (4.0K)
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