If your email is not verified then you cannot post.
You can visit http://www.reddit.com/verify to verify your email.
This is a community for real people looking for real people. Repeated posting of the same things or very similar within a short period of time or across multiple Reddit sites will result in your post being removed.
If you are using a fake account and or pictures you will be banned.
Sellers are not welcome and will be banned. Mods will use your post history, profile, and reports from our community members to determine if you are attempting to sell anything.
Upvote manipulation is the act of offering anything in exchange for an upvote or a comment.
Use the Male(M), Female(F), , Trans (T), Couple (C), Female to male (FTM), Male to. Female(MTF), or Non-Bianary/enby(NB) designators in your title so others will know what you are looking for. Example; M4F, M4M, T4M, F4F...
RFR, RFA, RRFA, RR4R, R4R, and RR4R will not be considered acceptable.
Please also include your city or town in Georgia, thanks!
Your post should be related to seeking someone for a hookup. If you want to brag then brag on the post where you connected and be sure to only share photos that you have consent to share.
Anyone using derogatory or offensive slurs or verbiage towards a post or comment will be banned. We don't play that here.
You have to be within a reasonable distance of Cumming, GA. Generally within 20-30 minutes would make sense, thanks!
You may not post more than once in a 48 hour period.
Please be nice, we are all here to have fun and maybe even link up. If you are rude then you will likely be downvoted and this community does not allow posts from anyone with negative karma.
/r/skinnydipping (69.5K)
/r/GoneMildHairy (25.3K)
/r/fakecreampie (68.6K)
/r/RateMyNudeBody (632.0K)
/r/Facialpalace (15.0K)
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