This sub is for displaying photos, videos and gifs of young women and wives. High Quality content from the sexiest girls on Reddit.
Don't be rude. If you don't like someone's body, nobody cares. Being rude or disrespectful will result in a ban immediately.
No ads, no hints, no teasers, no "DM me".
Examples: My (ex, bf, husband) never liked (my boobs, my body, my face, my ass, to fuck me); if i only get x upvotes; if one person likes me; my auto response is on; OR using a title that has been used too many times over and over by popular posts in this sub.
Only post your content here, no revenge porn, no illegal distribution of nudes.
Be kind. We have zero tolerance for trolls.
The post must be completely free of minors, there is absolutely no exception or tolerance. This includes age play and your children showcased in the photo at all (even accidental).
No more than 2 posts every 24 hours.
The content should respect the theme of this subreddit. This subreddit only display High Quality pictures of girls and wives.
/r/WindowBeauty (39.4K)
/r/desifeet (19.5K)
/r/GirlsFistingGuys (25.9K)
/r/DarkPassengerXXX (650)
/r/Sensual_photography (66.2K)
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