An area to post hyper art for furry fans, as yiff has many feminine males/ flat females in it. This is for those who like large furry art.
Artwork must contain furry artwork that is hyper. Hyper entails characters with (absurdly) large physical features like ass, breasts, genitalia, muscles, etc. SFW and NSFW artwork are allowed here.
Each post title must have the following elements:
Example: Title (Artist) [Gender(s)]
Use the following tags for genders
If an artist is unknown, please use the (Unknown) tag.
Unless you are the original artist or commissioner, please link a source of the artwork in the comments. You can use the search engines SauceNao or Kheina to find the source. If you cannot link the source, provide a reason as to why. Failure to do so after an hour, your post will be removed.
If a character's physical depiction (regardless of stated age) is that of an individual considered underage, do not post it. This is against Reddit's own rules.
Racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or just plain hateful speak will NOT be tolerated in any capacity. Any individuals violating this rule will receive a permanent ban.
Any artwork made with generative A.I. tools whether partially or fully is not allowed here.
/r/yiff (515.2K)
/r/Myiff (3.1K)
/r/BoomerYiff (8.9K)
/r/YiffPussy (16.9K)
/r/FurryMaids (2.8K)
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