A subreddit dedicated to beautiful woman you want to fuck
1. Only women of legal age 18+
2. Professional Porn Star Models Only
You may only post professional porn star models only.
3. No posting photos of yourself
This sub is not a hub for advertising yourself.
4. No Onlyfans/Patreon content
Do not post media from Onlyfans/Patreon/Fansly etc
5. Please use direct images only
6. If you have nothing nice to say in the comments then DON'T say it!
7. Requesting Approval to Submit
You may not post any "amateur/candid" photography, this goes for photos like "My coworker is so hot" "My friend is beautiful" "I want to fuck my roommate".
All posts must include the stars/models name in the title.
All models must be over 18.
Do not post any premium, stolen, illegal content.
Send us a modmail asking for approval with the keyword "Banana"
8. No spammy watermarks.
9. No spam
Spam or sketchy looking posts will result in your post being removed and possibly getting you banned. Also, try not to post a lot in a short amount of time. That's still spamming.
10. Reddit-wide rules apply.
Any violation of Reddit's site-wide rules will be grounds for banning and will be reported to the admins if necessary.
11. Removal of posts and comments are up moderators' discretion.
Any posts or comments that mods feel should be removed will be removed. Please contact us through modmail if you think otherwise and we'll hash it out.