Reposts from Socials!
Please post models pictures only using their first name. In case of models only using a nickname, don't name it, simply write "Unknown".
No full names are allowed in comments as well, so please don't ask for models names, thanks. Celebs full name can be used. No other exception.
Title must avoid body part specific/leering/sexual commentary. No emojis anywhere.
No DM or roleplaying requests. No "who is this" posts.
No creep titles!
Keep it classy, be respectful to celeb/model and your fellow Redditors.
Submissions and comments that are abusive, harassing, sexually explicit, or inappropriate are removed and can result in a ban: no "jerkoff" posts, comments, or usernames. This is a zero-tolerance insta-ban rule.
This does not mean the posting of public usernames or names of picture subjects, or other publicly available information.
No DM or roleplaying requests. No "who is this" posts.
No creep titles!
There is zero tolerance on leaked/Fake content in this community. Posting or asking for leaks or fakes will get you banned.
Any violations will lead to instant permanent ban.
No spam or advertisements are allowed, which means promotional links to blogs or other third party websites. Content promoting products in any way is not allowed.
No selling in whatever sense! This is zero-tolerance rule, will get you perma-banned!
No asking "who's this", "message me", "dm me", "does anyone have access to" and such. We have zero tolerance to this and you will be permanently banned for this.
No suggestive content of minors is allowed. No women younger than 18.
No matter what age they are now, they must be above 18 in the picture posted. If you are unsure and can't provide proof, don't bother.
Likewise, depictions of under-aged sex or simulated rape, or violence against women are not allowed. No exceptions. This will lead to bans.
Self-posts are allowed for verified accounts only. If you want to be verified, please send a message to the moderators with an original photos of yourself showing:
Enough of your body/face to confirm you're the same person (3 images: front, side& back view)
Holding a crumbled handwritten paper that includes (i) your username (ii) the subreddit name and (iii) the current date.
The post must show your boldness.
Repeat violations of any rule will lead to a ban eventually. Also, make yourself familiar with Reddit's content policy( if you haven't already.
No recent reposts. No reposts from the top 100 of all time. If you are reporting a repost, please include the short link to the original post. Higher-resolution pictures are still reposts. If you repost your own content, you may well be banned. Please use Karma Decay or Google Image's reverse search to check if your pic/gif has already been submitted. Use Google Image's reverse image search to find the highest resolution before posting.
No emojis whatsoever. Period.
No Low Quality Content whatsoever. No Screengrabs/screen shots. No unnecessary watermarks.
/r/leggings_haven (67.3K)
/r/DoggyStyle (414.4K)
/r/HentaiSchoolGirls (166.2K)
/r/tiktokversusreality (995)
/r/TheArtOfBodies (30.3K)
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