Welcome to KY_Hookups! Remember… Be safe, have fun!
The rules have been updated again, visitors please go over the rules before posting!
You are trying to scam this subs members or otherwise solicit sex for compensation or blackmail. This is an instant and permanent ban with no exceptions.
Do not advertise your subreddit here. Do not advertise your snapchat here. Do not advertise your onlyfans here. This sub is for hooking up, not for selling pictures.
Only admin approved members whom have obtained Platinum Status may advertise.
You may blur or otherwise cut your face or identifying features from the picture, but nobody likes being catfished.
Only Platinum Members are exempt and can post without photos.
Members may verify by providing a picture with you holding a sheet of paper in your LEFT HAND that reads r/Kentucky_Hookups with your reddit u/Username below it.
Assume all unverified users are fake or scams up front. Interact with unverified users at your own risk.
Platinum is a special flair given to verified users who have hooked up with and been reviewed by existing Platinum Verified users. They get priority, and the most attention.
Special privileges may include: 1-Not required to provide images on posts. 2-May be allowed to advertise only fans or other platforms with admin consent. 3-Posts are never deleted following the 30 day time out.
All posts of Unverified Users will be removed after 30 days of posting.
Verified users will have theirs removed after 90 days of posting.
Platinum Redditors will never have their posts removed during a “time out.”
Users who repeatedly post will have their oldest post removed. Please only have one active posting at a time.
/r/KYSwingers (38.2K)
/r/Kysluts (29.5K)
/r/atxgetswild (9.3K)
/r/Albuquerquehookup (26.0K)
/r/BowlingGreenKYHookups (3.9K)
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