We are specifically about latex in all its clothing incarnations. Just shiny is not good enough.
If you aren't talking or sharing latex, it will be removed.
If the link posted, requires (rather than optionally) a login to access content.
Person posting is not verifiable as the actual person claimed in their post.
Art is a human subjective thing of nuance. AI has none of this.
One or more participants in your post are very visible and not blurred or seemingly consented. We respect people's right to privacy.
You have provided imagery of such low quality that we are unable to determine whether you are in breach of rules or not.
/r/LatexUnderClothes (37.7K)
/r/ShinyPorn (492.7K)
/r/LatexCelebs (27.6K)
/r/ShinyAsians (9.3K)
/r/Latex_Lovers (10.5K)
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