Spicy subreddit /r/legs_spread

About this subreddit:

Subreddit dedicated to beautiful ladies who are ready to open their legs and show pussy without panties


  1. 1. Rule 1. Naked

    All submissions must contain full or partial nudity. Partial nudity includes visible parts such as breasts, buttocks, or genitalia. Posts not meeting this criterion will be removed.

  2. 2. Rule 2. Quality

    Low-resolution posts or those with poor lighting will be removed.

  3. 3. Rule 3. NO MINORS

    All models featured in submissions must be of legal age (18+). Posts featuring or suggesting underage models will be removed and result immediate permanent ban.

  4. 4. Rule 4. Sellers Rules

    Sellers can post here, but direct advertising is prohibited.

    NO SPAM Avoid posting the same image on multiple subreddits

    Avoid watermarking or mentioning non-Reddit platform names.

    Usernames hinting at external platforms such as "OF", "IG", or "SC" are not permitted.

  5. 5. Rule 5. NO DICKS

    Strictly no males. This space is exclusively for girls

  6. 6. Rule 6. Pussy should be visible, legs must be open

    All posts must include pussy. Posts that do not adhere to the theme will be removed, and violators may receive a warning or be banned in case of repeated offenses.

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