This community is to support males who are interested in or actively trying male lactation to share real advice and real stories about there experience and emotions around male lactation and male breastfeeding
This is a community built around support of a subject that could be considered sensitive to some. We are a safe space to discuss feelings, share experiences, and otherwise support each other.
Any mean, disrespectful, or rude behavior will get one warning then a ban. It is not tolerated. PERIOD.
No flirting, hitting-on, asking for nudes, saying how much you'd like to help out the tits/drink the milk, saying how much experience and you made so many ladies milky (all by yourself, wow) with your magical techniques.
Users who are not inducing lactation may NOT send DMs to users who post or comment here without express permission, no matter what reason they have for the message. If they didn't reply to you publicly to say you can DM them, you do not have permission.
This is not the forum to pick up strangers or sell your snake oil. We have zero tolerance of this behavior and you will be removed immediately.
We are not a collection of porn. Please do not post porn pictures. There are other places for that!
We want to encourage anyone on the journey to post pictures of progress to the group so we can see and share from experience.
/r/breastgallery (14.3K)
/r/IgnoreHandjobs (1.3K)
/r/AdultBreastfeedingABF (12.3K)
/r/medical_fetish (12.6K)
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