Welcome to this place of innocent fun!🌈 Ok, it's not so innocent. We are talking explicit misogyny-kink-memes. Not everyones kind of sugar, that's for sure. Therefore please keep in mind, that this place is meant to indulge in a kink. It's content is by no means applicable for the real world, where misogyny is totally not cool. Everyone regardless of gender is welcome to interact and have fun! Special thanks to all the great ladies who make the content possible by posing fort he images!
To keep on topic all content must be a meme. A meme in the sense of this sub has at least one picture and captions*. (Tattoos and body writing can count as caption) The image must be some kind of explicit sexually. The misogyny must be evident. This can be achieved either by the image itself and/or the captions. Exception: META posts must not be misogyn at all. See rule 3.
*Captions only count if you don’t need to go searching for them with magnifying classed.
It’s inappropriate to simply tell someone to DM you without any further introduction, foreplay or without offering any benefit. Probability of a response is so low, that you could call it an embarrassing attempt. Furthermore it’s quite boring or annoying to scroll through a comment section with dozens of “DM me, slur/unsolicited title”. So if you want DMs, try harder. A notifications that a DM was send is an existing feature. No need to tell others to check DMs via comment again. That’s pushy.
Title must not be a low effort marketing move. Because they are annoying as fuck. All in all it is ok to promote yourself or your whatever-account, just follow the rules. No call to send you stuff via DM.
Posts tagged as META are intended for discussions regarding the misogyny kink and the (rules for) content of this sub. These discussions should take place among equals and at eye level. Therefore, any form of misogyny and insults are prohibited in the posts and the associated comments.
We are totally aware that some of the content is extreme and not suited for everybody. Having a misogyny kink doesn't reflect the persons political view or world view. If you don't like the content that is totally valid and we respect your views and your deviating kinks or your vanillaness. Please respect us as well and move on.
All kinks are great and all kinky people are great! (Vanillas are great, too ofc.) We are happy that you have fun with your kink. It's great that you have that kink and act on it. But your kink is not my kink (and that is ok). So please keep this sub on topic and post content regarding other kinks in ther specific sub. I am quite sure, there is a sub for it. Have fun!
You know the drill. Nothing that is illegal or immoral (meaning more immoral then misogyny). Involves but is not exclusive racism, content involving minors (in pictures, captions, titles or comments), gore, publishing personal information of and revenge porn.
Posts must not target single persons or famous personalities directly. No targeted insults to individuals
If you got banned from this sub and engage again with another account reddit will most likely tell us. You will be banned again. If you think there was an mistake please contact reddit support directly.
/r/teacheryouliketofuck (16.2K)
/r/naughtypiss (34.0K)
/r/ShioriTsukada (91.3K)
/r/LobaNSFWr34 (23.6K)
/r/BigTitsAdmirer (20.8K)
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