Unofficial nhentai subreddit. In this subreddit you can discuss nhentai and hentai in general. Read the rules and let's keep things cool.
If you ask for a source please look for it yourself first through reverse image search tools like saucenao, google and yandex. Don't be like patrick
No porn depicting minors. This means no loli/shota/minor requests or source links that involve sexual activity, including sexual suggestive. This includes descriptive text or memes. Some more in depth info here..
It's a hentai subreddit, cartoon/comics & 3D are allowed but not real life porn, consider posting to /r/tipofmypenis/, /r/pornID, /r/jav/ instead.
Likewise more general SFW orientated artworks also don't belong on a hentai focused subreddit.
The allowed domains to use for link/image posts are: reddit, catbox, imgchest and redgifs. Make sure to use direct image links.
Guide on how to get these links
Please also crop your image properly before posting. Get rid of black borders or pointless info that's present in a screenshot from your phone. Example
Use post flairs to indicate the type of post. Flair info here.
Source requests for an image -> Link/Image post type
Text description ->Ttext post type
Remember to update the flair of the post to solved when you've confirmed a correct source has been provided for a source request. Mods try to do this within 24h, but nothing stops you from doing it yourself. The easiest way to do this is by leaving a comment with !Solved in it.
Please don't spam source requests, ask in moderation. The current limit is 4 posts per 24h timeframe. Limit a source request to 1 source per post, avoid self made collages. Memes are judged case by case.
Just be nice/polite to each other. If you don't like a certain tag/genre that's fine, but don't go and be rude/offensive towards those that do like it.
Troll sourcing will be met with a permaban without any prior warning. (No it's not funny)
Check for reposts, this includes unsolved source request posts. If you're looking for it chances are somebody else might have already asked for it.
Wait 72h before reposting an unsolved source request again.
Use SauceNAO before you make a source request. See this guide if you don't know how to.
While you're at it you might as well spend a few extra seconds and try some different search engines yourself, or utilize reddit search on r/HentaiSource.
Do not delete solved source requests or unsolved posts that contain useful info in regard to the unsolved post, this also includes answered questions/recommendation posts. You will be permabanned for doing so.
If you provide a source, please always provide BOTH title + artist where possible for doujinshi/manga. Some sites are blocked in certain countries so it helps if they have a name to go off. It also gives us the source incase the link ever goes down. Links are never required, though appreciated when possible (see rule 1). More info on the sourcing etiquette.
/r/boomerhentai (82.9K)
/r/Spitters (28.6K)
/r/plushlove (7.0K)
/r/PornstarHeaven (10.9K)
/r/phR4RSouthies (24.4K)
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