Nude Selfies it's all about Girls taking Nude Selfies. Sexy Self-shots, topless selfies and all kinds of NSFW SELFIES.
To maintain the integrity and quality of our community, we strictly prohibit:
Any account identified as falling into these categories will be promptly banned from posting.
Our commitment is to ensure a genuine, safe, and engaging environment for all
NO MINORS or suggestive content featuring minors. Posting underage ( or any reference to a minor ) will result in an instant ban and being reported to the admins.
NO POSTING MENTIONING YOUR RELATIVES. Posting or Mentioning your relative sister/brother/daddy / and so ( and the rest ) on would lead to a ban.
NO THREATENING/REVENGE posts are allowed. Please don't make any posts that can be seen like this.
NO DOXING Posting personal information (or pieces of info from IRL)
Any kind of advertising ( or attempt ) = ban
SELLERS ARE ALLOWED TO POST WITHOUT ADVERTISING. This includes and it's not limited at posts and comments that contain any reference to their business:
⚠️WE WILL BAN YOU⚠️ - NO SECOND CHANCES - Don't test us as it's a waste of time
Don't use ANY Social Media reference on your posts/comments!
Don't ask for PMs/UPVOTES/LOVE in your post. If you want to post something post it.
WATERMARKS INFO You are allowed to watermark your pictures ONLY WITH your REDDIT ACCOUNT.
CATFISHING/IMPERSONATING = BAN No titles that imply the girl in the pic is you if you aren't in the pic.
RUDE COMMENTS = BAN, We don't accept degrading or negative comments. If you don't like a post or someone - Just Move ON -- especially if it's an OC.
No strange titles or asking to choose or rate women.
NO DRAMA If you have any issues with any poster, please solve this elsewhere. Don't bring it here - As we are not a court of law, and we are not here to bring justice. Thank you - Mod Team
Don't flood the subreddit, you might post 5 pictures in a 12-hour window. Bot enforced rule
Don't Post in a ROW
Don't repost top 100!
Don't Delete your posts! If you think your posts doesn't fit here DON'T POST IT. Posting and deleting leads to a temporary or permanent ban.
Don't REPOST your images. Even if you've deleted an image you are not allowed to repost it. ( read the previous rule regarding deleting.
We are forced to create this as a separate rule.
This subreddit is for girls ONLY. It means we are here to enjoy girls and we don't want to see your dick.
Posting your dick would result in an permanent ban.
/r/nsfw_bw (30.2K)
/r/WindowBeauty (39.4K)
/r/ArtFullNudes (21.7K)
/r/NaughtyMilfOffice (5.2K)
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