Oh No, Dad Went Wild!
A fun, playful, and welcoming community for verified men of all sexual orientations and gender identities, dads and non-dads alike, to have a good time, show off, and get wild. We maintain an all-lady mod team, and the mods join in the posting fun! We love a good tease, so no dick pics, please.
The OhNo community also includes our buddy sub, r/ONMWW.
Rudeness or negativity of any kind will not be tolerated. The mods will ban offenders immediately & without warning. * Do not engage with users who leave rude/negative comments — use the report button and let the mods handle them. * Posts with titles asking for PMs/Snap/Telegram etc., that are self-deprecating/pitying, that are snarky/complaining, or that call out trolls will be removed. * Posts referencing COVID will be removed. This includes references to masks or vaccinations.
Accepting money/items in exchange for content/items disqualifies you from posting here. This includes: * selling underwear or other clothing * videos * having a wishlist * receiving gifts of any kind, such as toys, clothing, or money. Promoting exclusive content, including Reddit content, is considered selling activity. OhNo is a community for amateurs to post without the pressure of competing with the followers, karma, and upvotes that tend to be part of sharing posting space with sellers.
Help us to protect poster privacy/safety and keep OhNo authentic. * The only person allowed in the images or commenting/chatting/DMing is the verified user. If it is determined that someone else is involved, the account will be banned and reported to Reddit Admin. * Verified users can have couples content on their accounts, but it cannot be posted on the OhNo subs. * Posters should avoid including people in the background of their photos. * Posters should not crosspost to OhNo.
Your dick cannot be the main point of your post, visually or conceptually. * Incidental dick posts are acceptable (you’re in the shower and your dick is with you). * Intentional dick posts are not (you’re in the shower holding your dick).
Posts cannot include: * close-ups * junk-thru-fly * spread legs * dick grabs * dick peeking out of clothes * things hanging from it * masturbation (real or fake) * your butthole
Post titles shouldn’t be about your dick.
See the Wiki for more details.
Sex toys being held, visible in the foreground, or in use are not allowed. These include, but are not limited to:
Help keep OhNo content fresh:
This will result in a ban and a report to Reddit Admin for copyright violation, which may result in a suspension of your account. The OP may also choose to pursue a DMCA takedown request. Do not mention other subreddits in your post titles. The only subreddit we are associated with is r/ONMWW.
Automod removes links/comments mentioning other subs automatically. If you have a comment removed that you believe should be reinstated, please contact the mods over modmail.
/r/classyandassy (16.4K)
/r/squatpiss (7.4K)
/r/gigglebuns (11.1K)
/r/RedditsPornDude (3.4K)
/r/chubbydadsGW (295)
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