A place for the trans girls of onlyfans to share their page, and fans to find the newest, hottest transgirls!
*this is a safe place exclusively for trans women. There are plenty of other subs for fem boys, sissies, cross dressers etc. If you also post in cross dresser and fem boy subs, there’s a high chance that you’ll be auto modded and banned.
Please read the rules before posting.
Please do not include links in post titles. Create an interesting or unique title for your post and add any links in the comments.
All posts must contain an image that accurately depicts what you are selling. Endless text-only posts are boring and do not attract attention. Videos are also welcome.
Do no post pictures or images of other people or images that you do not own the copyright to.
Please post no more than ONCE a day. Posting more than once in any 24 hour period will result in an auto ban for spam.
Original posts only!
No femboys, sissies, cross deressers. If you also post in cross dresser and fem boy subs, there's a high chance that you'll be auto modded and banned.
Do not watermark photos with your Snapchat telegram - this has been linked to scams.
Make sure you tag your posts correctly.
/r/thickdick (435.8K)
/r/SoundingMeetups (1.7K)
/r/fapshottrans (39.5K)
/r/ipswichwestbrissynsfw (753)
/r/hoes_of_tiktok (2.5K)
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