-you CAN be banned here for what you say in another group!
This is an 18+ ONLY Community. Please read ALL rules before posting
This community is for those seeking and those offering phone sex to connect with one another. Selling or free, all orientations and identities are welcome. Accounts must be 30 days old in order to post or comment.
You may only post about yourself. Posting details about anyone else is an automatic permanent ban, even if you have consent. They must post for themselves. Do NOT post any phone numbers in this group, even if it is your number. Keep it in the privacy of your messages.
Sellers: you need to provide services after payment.
Buyers: Sending money over the internet is at your own risk, though. Consider using only official off-site services that have controls in place. No Scams from Buyers either.
Nothing illegal (child or animal sex, furries, age play, incest, DDlg, kidnap, torture, blackmail, non-consent, rape, drugs, etc), pregnancy, real or fantasy. This is an immediate permanent ban, no warnings given. If it illegal in real life then it is illegal here.
Your age, your gender & the gender you are seeking goes into the title. If you are caught lying about your age/gender, that is an immediate PERMANENT BAN
Sexualization of minors is illegal and not tolerated. You MUST be 18+ to post. If seeking 'younger' persons than yourself, you MUST specify that they must be 18+ as well. Do NOT interact with anyone claiming to be underage or you will be banned as well. Instead report them IMMEDIATELY & DIRECTLY to the mods
No off-topic posts. We are a personals community for phone sex lovers both Free and Sellers. If you are not offering phone sex then the post doesn't belong here.
You may only post once every 6 hours. More than that is considered spam. You may delete your post and repost but it MUST be a MINIMUM of at LEAST 3 hours.
Do not post your dick, bare pussy, butthole or full bare ass in here. What you do/ say/ negotiate in private DM's is your business.
This group currently allows engagement on posts BUT comments such as " I sent you a message", "check dm" or "dm" will be considered as spam or if posted multiple times to multiple other posts will be considered repetitive. There is no need to tell someone that you have messaged them. They have received the notification, there is no need to remind them. Or instead of asking everyone to "DM" you, try contacting them first.
Do NOT steal other people’s posts. Write your own.
Reddiquette applies. No racism or race play, homophobia, transphobia, hate-speech, or general assholery. Keep your 'Red Pill' bullshit out. No harassing Sellers or Moderators is permitted. This CAN be a permanent ban if taken too far.
You Must Be VERIFIED to Post here
You Must have your age in the subject line according the Rule 3A.
Responding to someone else's post with your link is spam.
If you wish to give a free call you need to state you are a seller.
You can only post 1 ad every 6 hours. This is Rule 5.
You Must be primarily selling PHONE SEX. Kik, Snapchat, Onlyfans are not phone sex. Include these things ON your profile or in a direct chat. Not in the community.
We will not help you collect money owed to you.
/r/futarp (41.4K)
/r/MissBratPerversions (24.4K)
/r/dressedhot (23.8K)
/r/EroticFantasiesNSFW (4.1K)
/r/GloryHoles_in_NYC (7.1K)
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