Two or more celebrities pitted against one another.
Celebrities MUST be 18 years or older at the time the used image(s) was taken, regardless of how old they are currently. Flagged posts will be removed if the OP can not verify when an image was taken.
Content containing, advertising, or promoting leaks (nude or non-nude), exclusive content, fakes, deepfakes, AI-generated images, excessively-enhanced photos or videos, and "bubbling" is prohibited.
Per Reddit-wide rules, no sexualizing of any person without their consent. That includes no sexualizing celebrities. No mention of sexual acts or masturbating to, et cetera. How a celeb dresses does not give consent.
Posts should only contain female celebrities (actresses, singers, ridiculously popular social media starlets). Pornstars, minor social media influencers, etc. are not considered celebs for the purposes of this sub. Social media influencers/content creators must have at least 2M followers on one of their pages to be considered a celebrity.
All posts must have 2 or more celebrities. Otherwise how is there going to be any "picking"?
Rate or pick your own post when you make it. You must do so in the comments or the post description, not in the post title. This helps us weed out karmawhores, promoters, bots, and spammers.
All posts must include the correct stage/public name of all the celebrities in question. You may include names within the post itself, the image captions, or the post description but not in the comment section. Posts that do not include proper names will be removed. Fictional character names are allowed as long as they are used alongside the name of the celebrity who portrayed them.
Do not use blurry, grainy, overexposed, overly-upscaled, fake, overly graphic and/or gory images in your posts. Posts with poorly-cropped screenshots will be removed.
Do not repost content identical to anything posted in the last 30 days. Do not pass off other users' content as your own. Please limit yourself to no more than 4 or 5 posts a day.
Be righteous and nonjudgmental to one another. Excessively aggressive, creepy, or disturbing comments directed at the celebrities featured here will be removed.
Mods can remove or moderate content to maintain and promote the integrity and stability of the sub for its Celeb APM purposes, including posts featuring pornography.
Link farming, upvote manipulation, and asking for/offering dms, chats, roleplay, or tribs will lead to a ban.
/r/PollsNSFW (5.4K)
/r/tommykingxxx (38.5K)
/r/PornstarHeaven (10.3K)
/r/CreateShemaleAI (7.3K)
/r/AnythingRelatedToPorn (1.2K)
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