An 18+ community for sharing photos or videos of pissing action! We don't discriminate so anyone over 18 can share either their own personal content or material found online. Stick around a while and get wet!
NO UNDERAGE CONTENT! All media must show someone 18+ years old. Violations of this rule will result in an immediate, permanent ban.
All posts must show someone visibly pissing. Posts showing only wetting thru clothing are better suited for r/wetfetish or r/wetting.
On-topic posts also containing “extreme” content, such as scat, visible blood, etc., should be posted sparingly and must always be marked with the spoiler tag.
Use an appropriate host for your media, and ensure that you only use direct links when making your submissions. Improperly posted links may result in the removal of your post.
Rude, inappropriate, and discriminatory behaviour will not be tolerated.
This is a place for free sharing of content. Producers of Original Content may mention their other profiles and sites in comments on their own posts, so long as the majority of what they post here is free content. "Preview" content does not count as free content. Mentioned sites or profiles must be free and cannot require signup, unless you have verified as a seller per Rule #7. Excessive or spammy advertising, or any hint at unsafe or scammy selling, may result in post removals or a ban.
Ensure that your submission hasn't been recently posted, (within the past 15 days).
Users who sell content in any form must be verified. This includes accounts using seller platforms to distribute free content. Verification does not absolve you from Rule #2. If you don't wish to verify, you may instead choose to post under a separate account without any reference to custom or pay content; it is recommended to inform the mods if you do this, so you aren't accused of stealing content. Please message the moderators if you need verified.
/r/WomenOfColor (676.2K)
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