Porn images of women pleasured because of sex. Regardless of act, position, skin color, fetish or whatever. The picture must show women in pleasure because of having sex. With faces so blissful, so ecstatic, you wish you were having sex too.
some pornstars have more than one name. you can either use the name given in the source or use the most popular name for this pornstar. rule of thumb is: if you search for the name and the first results are from this pornstar then the name is fine.
the source should be a link to the website where you got the image from. usually the gallery containing more images from the collection. ideally it should include pornstar name, publisher, and if applicable the title of the video or collection.
if you took the image from a video yourself then post the title of the video and the publisher.
all in all the source should help users to find more. for research. asking for a friend.
direct link to image means the link should end in .jpg or .png or other image extension. ideally it also means that if a user clicks on the link he will see the image and not website or other crap.
host only reddit because this is reddit. also because imgur banned nsfw.
no condescending or derogatory language of any kind to anyone
/r/WomenOfColor (676.2K)
/r/pussyenvy (33.1K)
/r/fbb_NSFW (274.3K)
/r/BestVibetoy (2.4K)
/r/UseHerMouth (134.4K)
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