An r4r for both Asians looking for redditors and redditors looking for Asians.
Deleting your post to override your one post per week limit does not count. If you are caught doing this, your (Nth + 1) post will be removed without warning.
For example:
1st post: * posts on August 1st *
2nd post: * posts on August 3rd *, * removed for rule violation *
You must wait until August 10th to post again.
If you are using other accounts to evade this rule or you continue to break this rule, all your posts will be removed and your accounts will be banned.
Racist comments and any type of stereotype towards Asians (this is r4rAsian after all) or any other race will be automatically removed.
If someone is a seller, report it and send evidence to the mod mail. Unless it is obvious that the person is violating this rule, it will be ignored.
Posts or comments that do not meet the criteria will be automatically removed.
No one is forcing you to agree to anyone. This is not a discussion forum.
If a poster is requesting for people within their age range or specific preference, you are not entitled to their attention. If you harass others due to your opinions, that is in violation of Reddit Content Policy and your post / comments may be removed.
If it’s not for you, move on.
Low effort posts will be removed. There is a minimum word count for titles in addition for [X4X] tags.
All titles need to include a [X4X] tag, such as [F4R], [M4F], [T4F], etc.
Tagging Legend
M - male
F - female
T - transgender
R - redditor/anyone
Most communities have issues with moderation, security, and intention, and we do not allow for community or group advertisements for the safety of our subscribers. Please message the moderators to posting about a community outside of Reddit. If no prior approval was given from the moderators, the post will be automatically removed.
It is impossible to validate that the other person in question is consenting to have their information posted. There other subreddits for that and this is not it.
If your post requests pictures, then you must include at least one verified in your post.
/r/SwingersBullMarket (33.3K)
/r/SwingersLasVegas (15.6K)
/r/puertoricoswingers (2.9K)
/r/SouthTexasSwingers (29.7K)
/r/SubtleAsianSwingers (45.8K)
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