Spicy subreddit /r/scrubsgonemild

About this subreddit:

For women who want to show off in scrubs without going wild.


  1. 1. Scrubs

    Your content must include at least one picture or video of yourself in scrubs.

    Subject to this rule is text only post by anyone other than the mod team as well.

  2. 2. No involuntary pornography/impersonation

    Involuntary amateur pornography is strictly forbidden from reddit.

    included herein are impersonation and cross-posting where you are not the OP.

    This rule exists to ensure that all content posted on our subreddit is consensual and respectful.

  3. 3. No content including minors

    Sexual or sexually suggestive content of minors is strictly forbidden from reddit.

    Violation incurs permanent ban from r/ScrubsGoneMild

  4. 4. Women only

    Only picture(s)/Video(s) of women and female presenting people allowed on this subreddit. Picture(s)/Video(s) of couples are allowed as long both are represented.

    Male Partners are not allowed alone in Picture(s)/Video(s).

  5. 5. No advertising/Links in the title or in comments

    Please do not advertise anything in the title of your post.

    If you want to share a link, do it once in the comments immediately after main post. Multiple comments with link or advertising (i.e suggestion for following) will be removed. Repeated offence will illicit a reaction of a timed or a complete bannishment.

  6. 6. No spam/Hijacking

    No spam!

    Hijacking of comment section by others by posting links to Instagram, OnlyFans, SnapChat, Telegram etc. falls under this category as well

    Thank you for understanding and helping keep our community spam-free!

  7. 7. No Derogatory, Abusive behavior or Ask for Contact

    Please keep a civil tone, lewd but civil.

    Derogatory, Abusive behavior will be removed.

    Subject to this rule is solicitation for hook-ups and/or contact not asked for by OP.

    The rule is to ensure that all content posted here is authentic and respectful to everyone involved.

  8. 8. Whitelisted media sites

    Please use the whitelisted external sites for media (pictures, video or audio).

  9. 9. Wild Content

    Per November 1st 2023 post considered wild will be removed and adviced that the content is more suitable for r/ScrubsGoneWild.

    Wild is nakedness, playing with toys or wilder

    December 1st 2023 will non-approved or non-verified posters get temporarily banned on the 2nd offense and completely banned on the 3rd offense.

    Verified or approved posters will get their status revoked on the 2nd offense.

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