Buy and Sell Adult Items from BBW's!
All sellers must be verified to post an ad.
All selling ads must use the approved tags in the title, link to a photo, album or GIF, and contain a comment describing the service, price, and accepted payment methods.
Sellers may have no more than two posts on the hot/front page at any given time. Listings should be unique, not duplicates. Please remove old listings on the front page if you are posting a similar one.
Individuals suspected of being underage will be banned pending age verification.
There's NO tolerance policy for disrespect/hate towards buyers or sellers in this community. Violators will be banned.
Buyers are not to upload, resell, distribute, screenshot or otherwise use or profit from any products that are purchased from a seller.
In-person meetups are never to be listed for sale. Any listing or comment including in-person meetups will result in a violation. A second violation will result in a ban.
/r/ABDLMarket (10.9K)
/r/KINK3Dexchange (6.0K)
/r/GymSocks (23.0K)
/r/BBW_Dildo (27.4K)
/r/Cock_Sleeve (21.6K)
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