Spicy subreddit /r/sph

About this subreddit:

Where SPH lovers connect!


  1. 1. This subreddit is for verified sellers only.

    You can find the instructions on how to verify [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sph/wiki/verification/

    All images and gifs should only contain the person(s) who verified - no one else

  2. 2. Do not share personal info in posts or comments

    We do not allow the sharing of personal content such as email, phone number, and others in the post or in the comments. If you want to ask for it, do so in private messages or IM.

  3. 3. No spam or harassment

    Do not spam the subreddit; The picture that you post should not be a repost and you can post once every 12 hours. As well, do not harass or spam moderators or members of the community. You will be banned.

  4. 4. No begging for upvotes in the titles

    No begging for upvotesmust occur in the title of your post. Your post will be deleted automatically.

  5. 5. No racism and misogyny

    Any kind of racist content and/or woman hating abuse and insults won't be tolerated. This will result in a permanent ban.

  6. 6. Must be SPH focused

    Please ensure posts are SPH related in some manner. No low effort posts

  7. 7. The moderators do not want to hear about your dick

    We don't care why you're telling us about your dick, just don't do it. If it's because you want to post here, telling us about your dick is not part of the process and will get you banned. Instructions to be verified are pinned. Follow those.

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