Things that are not safe for work from a galaxy far far away... Luke approves
No low effort titles (such as "nice","mmm", etc).
All titles are required to include the name of the artist or cosplayer in brackets. Include character names when possible to enable easier searching.
The general recommended format for titles is:
>Character(s) any additional words (artist/cosplayer)
At the very least, try and describe what is going on in the picture.
Ensure your post has the appropriate flair.
AssistantBOT will automatically remove any unflaired posts and re approve them once they are given an appropriate flair.
No album dumps of random images. If you have a collection from a single artist, you still need to post them separately.
Only those albums are allowed that are from the same series, of the same character, by the same artist in the same set.
If a character looks like a child or under 18, we consider it CP according to United States Criminal Code: Title 18, 1466A.
If a mod is "on the fence" about a post, they will much rather remove the post than leave it up.
Blatant CP will result in a perma ban.
To keep it fresh, don't post anything that has already been posted in the last 3 months. Additionally if something is already in the top 100 of all time do not post it again.
Magic Eye and RepostSleuth will detect the majority of reposts automatically and fairly quickly. If you see a repost that made it past them, report it with a link to the original post in the report message or paste a link to the original in the comments.
Strive for quality over quantity.
Fakes are not permitted on reddit site wide, so don't post them here.
A. No request posts as your first post
B. Low resolution images / videos
C. Ask before posting
D. Rehost your images
E. Not StarWars Porn
F. Self Promotion & Advertising
G. Cosplayers
H. No RP Requests or Asking People to DM You
As described here, posts that are merely an attractive person wearing or posing with some starwars merch are not allowed here.
/r/AdultDiffusion (56.9K)
/r/Disneyporn2 (14.6K)
/r/disney_sluts (17.0K)
/r/SizeGames (5.1K)
/r/Disney_NSFW (33.5K)
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