A NSFW subreddit for people of St.Louis, Missouri
Verification is not required. However you will be asked to verify if your posts seem suspicious or if you have been flagged more than 5 times. For verification you will be asked to send a picture of yourself holding a piece of paper with the handwritten text of your username, the group name (stlouisgw), and the days full date. If your profile is filled with posts from other cities you may be asked to show your Missouri state ID with everything hidden except your picture and the Missouri header.
No File Sharing Posts - Do not mention Telegram, Discord, Kik, or any other file sharing services. Trading media should be of yourself or your consenting partner only.
No Harassment - If you’re not vibing with another user then just block them. Any slurs or vulgar insults will result in a permanent ban.
You can post one time per day. Once every 24 hours. If you post the same picture multiple times, that is also considered spam.
You are only allowed to promote Onlyfans or related content if you are from St Louis. If we have any suspicion that you are not local you will be banned and your posts will be removed.
Shit talking for fun is ok. Degrading women /men in any way over the way they make money or hustle will be automatic ban. If you don’t like Onlyfans girls keep scrolling
/r/ButterflyLabia (134.5K)
/r/hentaifutanarichoice (11.4K)
/r/Hot_Cameltoes (14.1K)
/r/HottestMoments (421)
/r/Nowhere_eternity (19.5K)
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