Spicy subreddit /r/tantaly

About this subreddit:

Welcome to the Tantaly community, where you can post anything related to Tantaly! In this warm community, you can find a lot of like-minded people, and no one will judge you at will here. Tantaly is committed to creating an inclusive and open fan harbor, Have fun, explore, and treat yourself!!


  1. 1. Zero-judgment

    In a Tantaly community, everyone is free to express their opinions and views without fear of negative criticism or judgment from others. We typically promote inclusivity, respect, and mutual support, striving to create a harmonious and friendly environment where every member feels respected and cared for.

  2. 2. Friendly Atmosphere

    Be nice to one another.

  3. 3. No Advertising

    No advertisement for commercial purposes. This includes streamers and the like. You may not post any links that directly go to a paid site, unless given previous moderator approval (this also includes non commercial advertising, unless approved).

  4. 4. Cross-post is prohibited.
  5. 5. No Spam

    No spamming, harassing, or trolling. Please do not CROSSPOST something related to selling other stuff in this community.

  6. 6. No Hidden Affiliate links

    Affiliate links are okay if the user states that it is one. However, if he/she does not, it may be a ban-able offence. Also, we do not allow links to spam websites or click-baiting the user into clicking affiliate links.

  7. 7. No Sales

    KOL code in the post and comments are not allowed. Please be careful when purchasing used Tantaly dolls that have not been verified by the moderator as the authenticity of the order number. No Sales for other brand dolls or discount code sharing.

  8. 8. Age Requirement - Adults Only

    This is an adult page, please leave if you are not 18+.

  9. 9. OC Only

    Do not post content that is not yours.

  10. 10. Illegal Content

    For any content that you think may be illegal, please report to the mods. This applies especially to sexual discussions related to children and animal abuse for which we have a zero-tolerance policy.

  11. 11. Stolen Designs and Intellectual Property Infringement

    If we find a doll that has been made in the identical image or has been made directly copying certain features of another in an attempt to knock off/duplicate/mimic the original design we will act to protect the intellectual property of all the makers that pour. Tantaly product is only released after months of research, transformation and design, and after our rigorous review. Tantaly always focuses on bringing high-quality products and experience to our customers!

  12. 12. No political/racial/gender confrontation stuff.

    It is forbidden to talk about political matters, racial discrimination, and gender confrontation.

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