Spicy subreddit /r/tantricsex

About this subreddit:

A sub devoted to the joys of tantric sex, with emphasis on practical techniques and the physical, psychological, and emotional effects of extended sex.


  1. 1. Do not be dogmatic. Tantric sex is diverse, and many approaches and traditions are valid.
  2. 2. Be civil and respectful of others. No personal attacks, racism, sexism, misogyny, misandry, etc.
  3. 3. No spam or self-promotion. Don’t use this sub to sell yourself or your products or services.
  4. 4. No personals; no soliciting. Don’t ask for hookups or hit on other people, even as a joke.
  5. 5. Do not hijack a discussion. Some natural digression is fine, but far off-topic comments are not OK.
  6. 6. Do not promote sex-negative religions, philosophies, or practices like nofap and semen retention.

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