A place for milfs and those that appreciate them. OC posts only.
Sellers welcome but links to pay sites in posts or comments will be removed. Repeated removals will get your account banned.
No soliciting
Original content/creator only
Crossposts will be removed
No contact information such as snapchat, telegram, phone numbers, etc. In posts or comments. Keep it in DMs.
Posts or comments involving minors or other illegal activity such as offering illegal or controlled substances, sex for pay, or violates any federal or state law is prohibited. Account will be reported and permanently banned.
Posts must contain more than a title. Include pic or text. No duplicate posts. Title only posts will be considered low effort and spam.
If your post title is copied from a previous post you will be considered a bot account and removed.
Any posts or comments intended to threaten, insult, or in any way harass will be removed and account banned. This includes unsolicited comments about inflicting pain or wishing pain on others.
/r/OregonMenGoneWild (14.6K)
/r/FitGirlsOnly (32.7K)
/r/xSpokane (18.7K)
/r/BearsAndTwinks (13.9K)
/r/DfwFuckBuddies (14.5K)
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