We post and admire photos and gifs of attractive women in tight dresses and skirts.
Violations of this rule will result in a no-warning ban. This is not a porn sub - If the subject of your post is not a tight dress/skirt, it does not belong here. This sub is dedicated to seeing how good you look IN the dress, not out of it.
Tight dresses are defined as being form fitting from above the breasts to below the buttocks.
Tight skirts are tight from the waist to below the buttocks.
If the picture only shows the top of a dress so that it could be any top, that does not count.
To help make /r/tightdresses safe to browse in public spaces, posts that contain nudity be flagged as NSFW, using Reddit's NSFW flag system, as well as marked with a spoiler.
While the sub may be called /r/tightdresses, feel free to post photos of babes in tight skirts, too!
Do not say rude things to OC submitters. They are rare and wonderful, and we don't want them to be scared off by poor behavior. Also don't insult the subjects of ANY photo, regardless of whether it's OC.
We're very lenient about reposts here, but there are three hard and fast rules:
1) Do not post anything that's already in the sub's Top 50 of all time.
2) Do not post anything that already appeared in the sub within the last 4 weeks.
3) Do not delete your recent post just to repost it again.
This is to keep /r/tightdress's content fresh.
Posting photos of girls under 18 is not allowed. No warnings will be issued. The same goes for creepshots, aka photos that were taken of a woman without her knowledge. Repeated offenses will result in a permanent ban.
This sub is for the appreciation of woman in tight dresses. Photos of men or non-CIS gendered people in tight dresses are not allowed.
AI or heavily filtered images are also not allowed.
Do not post content without permission of the OC, and no posting or copyright protected content, especially onlyfans content. This will result in an immediate ban. If you are the owner of any content that you do not want posted on this sub, please notify the mods immediately and we will remove it without argument.
There is no self promotion allowed on this sub. OnlyFan advertisement posts, posts that include advertising of any type, usernames for other sites, or crossposts from out of network subs will be removed. Small, *nondescript watermarks of the the posters Reddit Username ONLY will be allowed.
Any posts with clickbait or NSFW titles will be removed. This includes "FMK" and "Would you fuck me" titles.
Use Imgur or reddit images for photos, Imgur/gfycat/redgifs for gifs, and Youtube for videos. Links directly to an intragram/facebook/twitter/etc. post are only allowed in the comments. For anti-spam reasons, links to most other domains are forbidden.
In order to ensure we are complying with copyright laws, and also not hosting creepshots, or images of minors, faces must be shown in photos. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Comments will be removed, and it will result in a ban.
Do not post multiple images from a photoset as separate posts, post them as an album. Do not post multiple crossposts from any given subreddit in single day.
All posts that are NSFW or contain any nudity whatsoever must be tagged with a NSFW tag as well as a Spoiler tag.
/r/nsfwfashion (279.5K)
/r/fashionextramile (57.9K)
/r/studioNSFWfashion (11.8K)
/r/RisquePhoto (31.5K)
/r/TightSkirts (66.6K)
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