Spicy subreddit /r/tightsqueeze

About this subreddit:

A shrine to the daily denim struggle

A place to share the beautiful battle of fitting phat ass into tight pants and other tight clothing


  1. 1. No illegal content

    Do not post or link to content that is illegal, including but not limited to underage or unconsensual content. If you have concerns, or you are in a post that you didn't post and want removed, please message moderators

  2. 2. What type of content is allowed here

    Tight squeeze is about body parts being squeezed into tight clothes or closely related images/gifs. If you are unsure whether your content fits, browse past posts or contact the moderators

  3. 3. AI images

    AI images are acceptable providing they meet all the other Rules, and have a Flare to distinguish them as such, and NO FACES are Shown.

  4. 4. Use flairs

    All posts should be correctly flared with the relevant item of clothing, if there is not flair for what you're squeezing into then message the moderation team

  5. 5. Impersonation

    If someone is posting your content without permission, the post in question must have your watermark and you must message the mod team using that same account to prove its your content and request removal of the post

  6. 6. How to get verified

    If you're an original content poster and want to get verified, post to the sub a verification post, including a paper with the date, sub and your username on it. Once a mod has checked it you will be assigned a "Verified OC" flair to your name.

  7. 7. Be civil

    Do not make abusive comments or titles towards any person. Especially original content posters. Abuse merits being banned

  8. 8. All people are welcome

    All people are welcome here, LGBTQ and trans posts are very welcome if they follow the rules and are relevant to what tight squeeze is about

  9. 9. No spam

    Do not post spam images, gifs or links. Doing so will cause a permanent ban from the subreddit. If you see spam please report it so it can be removed more quickly

  10. 10. Selling / OnlyFans

    You are permitted to advertise your paid-for services in comments of posts that are relevant to the sub and accurately represent the content behind the pay wall. Do not aggressively push your services or you will become spam

  11. 11. Allowed sites

    Please host your content through regular sites, reddit, imgur, redgifs, etc or respectable pornsites. Posting via other sites may cause your post to be mistaken for spam

  12. 12. Banning policy

    Explanation of banning policy. Violation of rules in a malicious way, spam, abuse, will cause an immediate and permanent ban. Violations caused by mistakes or misunderstandings will merit a warning and the violating post being reposted with a correction. If you feel you have banned unfairly please contact the moderators to discuss what happened.

  13. 13. Mod team info

    u/Canyoneroo and u/The-Sinning are suspended accounts, u/HeWhoPunchesFish is not active (to the best of my knowledge). As such if you want to contact mods, either use "message mods" button

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