Like r/tomboyNSFW, but with a mod team that isn't trans- and butchphobic! 🌟 This is a place for women (of all kinds) and nonbinary people who like a dash of masculinity with their femininity. 🔥 Your posts should show off your tomboy side! 🔥 Please respect that this is a place for anyone who uses predominantly she and they pronouns. Men and masc folks, check out our affiliated subs!
Only media where the subject is 18+ is allowed. Only users over 18 years old may post here.
Content that is obviously underaged, or raises enough suspicion as such, will be removed.
This subreddit is intended for people who predominantly use she and they pronouns. Cis and trans men, please post in a more appropriate sub.
Post only your own original content.
Submissions should showcase enough of your body so that the viewer can easily ascertain that you are a a tomboy!
Content that is primarily a close-up of a body part or genitals will be removed.
No bigotry, including transphobia. Do not insult others. Keep comments positive.
Do not share your location. Do not comment asking posters to DM you. Do not post your chat handles. Do not ask to trade media.
Screenshots (i.e. content that has visible black bars or other UI elements) will be removed.
Content that has been excessively edited (i.e. Photoshopped or otherwise heavily filtered) will be removed.
Blurry or out-of-focus content may be removed.
Please limit posts to once every 12 hours.
Posts asking for engagement (comments and/or votes) will be removed.
Sex workers and content sellers may post here. All promotional posts MUST obey all other subreddit rules.
Your promotion must include media, not simply a link submission or text entry.
Post links in the comments of your own posts, not in post titles.
/r/MasculineMaleChastity (48.5K)
/r/FrontBackTraps (22.9K)
/r/tomboyNSFW (372.0K)
/r/GayCocksinSocks (21.8K)
/r/BlackGayBears (13.4K)
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