A place for sexy tranny sluts.
All users must be at least 18 years old. All posts and comments must come from individuals over the age of 18.
Genitalia must be clearly visible for new posters. Posts featuring only buttocks are permitted.
Low-effort posts are not allowed. Any posts using filters that alter appearance will result in an immediate ban.
Do not ask for or refer to donations or upvotes in titles or comments. Advertising in titles is strictly prohibited. You may include a link to your website in the comments, provided it showcases your content, whether free or paid. If you only post softcore content, you are not allowed to advertise at all.
Be courteous to others. Troublemakers will be dealt with accordingly. Users are encouraged to avoid flooding the subreddit with excessive posts.
Non-original content must be credited to the original author. This can be done by identifying the creator in the title using brackets or by linking to their content in a comment (such as their OnlyFans/Twitter, etc.).
/r/WomenOfColor (664.6K)
/r/fbb_NSFW (265.6K)
/r/ChelseaMarie (5.7K)
/r/EroticLightPlay (110)
/r/DetachableBodyParts (3.8K)
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