Spicy subreddit /r/tularenudes

About this subreddit:

for people from tulare to show off their bodies 🚩🚩🚩read rules🚩🚩🚩


  1. 1. Nudity

    Must have nudity in post if someone somewhere can't get off to it I will delete it not just ass cheeks either

  2. 2. Must have pic

    This is tulare nudes if you are posting requests or just texts it will be deleted

  3. 3. Banned after multiple rule breaks

    You will be permanently banned if you break rules 1 and 2 multiple times

  4. 4. No posting same pic all the time

    Don't repeat pics will be marked as spam

  5. 5. No advertising other places like tele,kik,other pages ect

    You want to post nudes do it here or leave

  6. 6. No back up banned accounts

    Ban evasion automatic blocks you reddit knows when you got banned and try on another account

  7. 7. 3rd dick pic posted in a row for page

    If the last 2 posts are 2 dick pics do not post another until there is a non dick pick

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