Uncut Cocks!
🔔Are you seeing "Your post is missing a community requirement"? This is why!
👉🏻For 20+, you can give an approximate age. For Non-OC, use a reasonable guess.
Example Couple (18)(27)
Single [30s] Guy
If your age is in question, you will be removed at moderator discretion.
✔️Content must be male only.
❌No content containing female bodies.
✔️Uncut Cock. Content must show at least one uncut cock.
❌No Holes.
❌No Impersonation. You may post non-original content, but you may not impersonate someone else.
❌No Edited Images. This means no Photoshop, Emoji Censors, and no Screenshots.
✔️You can post content from other subreddits as long as it's new to us.
❌Please don't delete old posts just to repost them later. Try to keep things fresh.
❌Do not advertise. Promotional Accounts will be given a cosmetic flair to indicate their profiles offer links or services.
❌Do not share or request contact info (Kik, Snapchat, Skype, etc). If you wish to contact someone, ask to send a DM.
❌Do not ask for upvotes, transactions, or hookups.
✔️Watermarks must be your reddit username. It should be in the format of "u/username" or "username". i.e.: It cannot include an "@" as that indicates an external service.
/r/EroticMaleMassage (28.3K)
/r/MaleMoans (60.1K)
/r/cosplayHQ (54.7K)
/r/401hookups (838)
/r/eroticmalemassagefind (4.1K)
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