Spicy subreddit /r/usedboxers

About this subreddit:

Buy, sell, and trade your used boxers, briefs, jocks and more. Please see the posting guidelines in the pinned post.


  1. 1. Be civil

    Be nice to each other

  2. 2. Country

    When including [country] in a post, this should be the country where you are located. Only one country should be included. International or worldwide is not a country. If you want to indicate that you can ship international, you can list it as [country +] or note it in the description.

  3. 3. Selling Posts

    All selling posts must be marked as [Selling] [country] [price]. All selling posts must include at least one picture of the underwear that you are selling. All selling posts must include a base or starting price.

  4. 4. Buying Posts

    All Buying posts must be marked [Buying] [Country]

  5. 5. Trading Posts

    All Trading posts must be marked [Trading] [Country]

  6. 6. Question Posts

    All question posts must begin with [Question]

  7. 7. Verified Seller

    **Optional seller verification: Verify yourself to receive the flair text of "Verified Seller". Buyers will be more likely to buy from you if they know you are verified. The verification post must contain: *A minimum of 3 pictures of you, from different angles *Holding a clear, handwritten sign containing your username, date of post, and a shout out to [r/usedboxers] *Not breaking and of the rules of the subreddit *Put the word "verify"/"verification" in the title for the mods.

Number of subscribers:


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