Buy, sell, and trade your used boxers, briefs, jocks and more. Please see the posting guidelines in the pinned post.
Be nice to each other
When including [country] in a post, this should be the country where you are located. Only one country should be included. International or worldwide is not a country. If you want to indicate that you can ship international, you can list it as [country +] or note it in the description.
All selling posts must be marked as [Selling] [country] [price]. All selling posts must include at least one picture of the underwear that you are selling. All selling posts must include a base or starting price.
All Buying posts must be marked [Buying] [Country]
All Trading posts must be marked [Trading] [Country]
All question posts must begin with [Question]
**Optional seller verification: Verify yourself to receive the flair text of "Verified Seller". Buyers will be more likely to buy from you if they know you are verified. The verification post must contain: *A minimum of 3 pictures of you, from different angles *Holding a clear, handwritten sign containing your username, date of post, and a shout out to [r/usedboxers] *Not breaking and of the rules of the subreddit *Put the word "verify"/"verification" in the title for the mods.
/r/MaleUnderwear (138.9K)
/r/usedpanties (317.4K)
/r/ABDLMarket (10.9K)
/r/KINK3Dexchange (6.0K)
/r/VapePorn (54.3K)
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