Spicy subreddit /r/yiff_irl

About this subreddit:

Horny memes for the fur in u ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


  1. 1. Yiff_irl is a subreddit for NSFW furry memes

    All submissions must be NSFW memes about furries or furry culture in a humorous or relatable way. Posts need to stand on their own; if the fact they are being posted to a furry subreddit is what makes them ‘furry’, then it’s not content suitable for this subreddit.

  2. 2. All posts should be titled “yiff_irl”

    Submissions must have the title “yiff_irl” (case-insensitive, you can use mixed capitalisation, lowercase or all lowercase, it doesn’t matter). The underscore _ can be replaced with any symbol, or even an emoji! (e.g. yiff🐾irl)

  3. 3. Yiff_irl is a NSFW subreddit

    This is a subreddit for NSFW meme content. If your submission is not adult/sexual/explicit in nature, feel free to post it to our main r/furry_irl subreddit.

  4. 4. Direct image/video/GIF links only. Posted videos must be no longer than 2 minutes

    Because this is primarily an image browsing content subreddit, only direct links to media content is allowed. Please only post links to images, GIFs and videos. Use timestamps to skip ahead in a video to only share the relevant part.

  5. 5. Don’t spam; submit quality, not quantity

    Please make sure that you allow at least 10 minutes to pass between each submission, and submit no more than 3 within a 24-hour period.

    This is so that other Redditors have the opportunity to submit content and have it visible to r/furry_irl users.

  6. 6. Do not make threats or advocate violence

    Do not threaten, advocate for, or celebrate, violence, harm (physical or otherwise), or the death of others. This rule applies to everyone.

  7. 7. No personal attacks, witch-hunting, doxxing, and other uncivil behaviour

    Name-calling, ad-hominem, demeaning, inflammatory, or other uncivil comments directed at other users are not allowed. Public accusations (i.e. “call-outs” and “drama”) are not okay. Users are not allowed to post personal or identifying information of others for any reason.

  8. 8. Hate speech and discriminatory language are not tolerated

    Posts and comments using words or phrases that may be harmful are subject to removal, including but not limited to racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic or transphobic slurs. Non-malicious posts will still be removed; while some people are fine with being referred to by potentially harmful terms, we strive to make r/furry_irl a safe and welcoming place for everyone. Please do not use terms that make others uncomfortable.

  9. 9. No politics

    Do not post submissions or make comments that deal with overtly political topics or push for a particular political agenda. furry_irl is a meme subreddit; political content is inappropriate, and out of the scope of the topics we cover here.

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