If you're in York County, Pennsylvania and looking for a hookup, FWB or relationship, you've come to the right spot. Feel free to make a post and then cross your fingers.
Please, read the rules and abide by them. Unlike this sub's predecessor, this one will be thoroughly moderated, which will keep this place fresh and spam-free. If you don't like the rules, feel free to post elsewhere.
Good luck and happy hunting!
This isn't the place for you to try and make money. Onlyfans, Dropbox links, Telegram, Snapchat... I don't care what it is... you'll be permanently banned. Go elsewhere
Say no to drugs
That shit is illegal... take it elsewhere
It is 99.9% likely that you are a bot/spam and I will absolutely ban you and remove your ad.
Be kind, please.
We will not allow users to post multiple times. That's called spam... and that shit is annoying. One is enough. Once every other week or so sounds reasonable... anything more than that is annoying and spammy.
If I determine that you're <18, sayonara.
/r/Kiiroo (7.9K)
/r/OnlyIfShesPackin (760.6K)
/r/weirdboobs (86.5K)
/r/PlanetFitness_naughty (2.2K)
/r/scatqueens (14.8K)
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