A community for like minded consenting UK adults to meet, chat, share and have fun.
To improve this community we have implemented a no sellers, pay2play, OF or posting for financial gain policy.
Please request approved user status before posting.
This subreddit is for agegap lovers in the UK to meet and fuck, it is not the place for you to promote your OnlyFans, sell Nudes or charge for any other sexual services.
Goes without saying, you MUST be 18+ to post here, age must be included in your post. If you are found to be under 18 you will be permanently banned, NO EXCEPTIONS.
Please also specify your age in your posts title.
Anyone who is promoting a paid service (EG: OnlyFans, Premium Snapchats etc) either in their post or in their profile Bio.
Only approved users can post to the sub. If you are promoting OF/Telegram/Snapchat in your profile you are unlikely to be approved. Verification may be requested where it is unclear from previous posts that you meet the subs posting requirements.
Images uploaded onto the sub must have the thumbnail blurred. Not everyone wants to see the junk in your trunk. Failure to blur images will result in a ban.
All posters must be based in the UK. When posting please let people know where you are using the following #town/city
Impersonating a mod or other user
To help reduce the number of fakes you must have more than 5 posting Karma to be approved to post in this sub.
/r/AgeGap (99.1K)
/r/AgeGapOldYoungNSFW (27.1K)
/r/AdultAgeGap (4.2K)
/r/AgeGapGoneWild (58.7K)
/r/oldonyoung (16.4K)
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