A friendly space to share erotic and SFW audios and scripts. 💖 Made by avid audio fans for avid audio fans!
Verification is required before posting, please check pinned posts for deets.
Please see the pinned post for instructions on how to get verified. Verification is almost always granted within 24 hours (usually much less) if you've followed all instructions.
Mandatory tags include gender and the content warnings listed in the 'tagging' section. All audios and scripts should be accurately tagged with the gender(s) of the listener and performer, and any mandatory content warnings. Posts with inaccurate or missing gender/mandatory content warning tags will be removed. More information on tagging is in the submission guidelines.
No users under the age of 18, or content depicting any person under the age of 18, is permitted. Violation of this rule will result in a permanent ban. [Ageplay] and [Age] are not permitted on r/audiosgonewild.
Rude and derogatory comments towards other members is not welcome and may result in a ban. No kink-shaming will be tolerated, all appropriately-tagged content which adheres to our community rules is welcome.
This includes all performers' usernames, editors' usernames, writers' names, and artists' names (if an image is included with the post. Posts including advertising of paid platforms may only include art that is in the Public Domain, owned by the poster, or for which the poster can provide proof that the artist has given them permission to use their work to advertise with.
In order to protect the community, all recordings or scripts which you submit must be your own, in the Public Domain, or you must acquire previous permission from the copyright holder to record and post to AudiosGoneWild. Posts containing copyrighted material (music is the most common offender) will be removed. If you provide proof to the mods that you have permission to use the copyrighted materials, the post will be reapproved.
Be internet smart. Do not include your real name, address, location, pictures of yourself, information about where you work/have worked or are going to school/have gone to school, or any other form of personally identifying information. While most users are friendly, some may not have good intentions. Protect yourself by not revealing anything identifying about yourself or others.
Status posts, advice-seeking posts, and the like are not permitted. [Requests] should be posted on the monthly stickied [Request] thread to avoid clogging the subreddit with requests and to keep requests where people interested in filling requests can see them all in one place.
/r/pillowtalkaudio (167.7K)
/r/gwascriptguild (44.9K)
/r/GWAQueer (964)
/r/gegangenwildaudio (8.6K)
/r/GWNarrative (12.2K)
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