Post any porn you have with Australians acting in it. Professional and amateurs are welcome. So get naked and get share'n.
Please keep it civil, obey the side-wide reddiquette rules.
Fuck off, I hate you. Also, snapchat bot accounts are easy to spot, please don't get scammed.
If I can track down your location via the internet and you are clearly not Aussie or have posted in multiple location subs then your post will be removed until verification.
Hookup posts must have a location in the title, state at the very least.
Low effort posts will be removed. You are the only person who knows what you want whether it's a one night stand, a long term relationship or a blowie in your mum's landcruiser behind Maccas so tell us what you want.
Don't post bad pics, they will be removed without warning. They don't have to be 1080p and 300dpi just don't post blurry or grainy pics.
No upvote begging and any mention of arrows, lazy copypasted e-thot titles or terrible comment bait questions
This rule is set for RepostSleuthBot which means you have been flagged as a high volume reposter.
If you are a bot then do nothing and your ban will stay and I hate you. If you are a person and you think this is unfair then you can appeal your ban by sending a MOD MAIL to the mods here and we can discuss your ban. Either that or you can stop reposting the same image to every damn sub.
/r/brisbanensfw (59.1K)
/r/Aussieporn (147.8K)
/r/MelbourneGirls (122.7K)
/r/nsfw_australia (33.6K)
/r/amwfamateurs (1.1K)
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