A NSFW community for webcam and fan site models to post their unfiltered selfies prior to (or during) signing online to get some traffic in their chat rooms and pages. We encourage models to post where users can find them in the comments. Users get to see a sample and models get more exposure. A win, win. The whole point is to show your true unfiltered self without all the Instagram filters and Photoshop brushes.
We don't tolerate spam. Do not post the same content.. Do not spam links or advertise your social media in titles. You may post where people can find you in comments.
Just be fucking nice, will ya? These ladies are posting themselves for your viewing pleasure. If you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing. Please report any comments or threads you find abusive or rude.
Do NOT post personal information (real names, locations, etc.) of models posted. Camgirls usually keep at their privacy and we respect this. Any attempt of exposing the identity of a cam host will lead to a Ban.
No Underage or Suggestive Underage Content Keep it Legal
We don't accept revenge posts on this subreddit. No matter what are your reasons we don't care and you will be banned. If you are a victim of this contact us right away.
Unless you are verified member of the subreddit do not self promote. For verification contact us or leave a comment in the pinned post at the top of the subreddit's wall.
Abusive or harassing comments will not be tolerated.
If a photo is poor quality - i.e. bad lighting or is of a barely recognizable body part, the post will be removed at the mod's discretion.
/r/nude_selfie (2.6M)
/r/BratLife (107.7K)
/r/Trans_Cams (75.8K)
/r/blackmango_mary (13.4K)
/r/NotSafeForWork18 (3.7K)
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