A subreddit all about vape carts. Occasional shopping carts are cool too.
Remember the human.
Abuse, discriminatory slurs, trolling, harassment, bullying, repetitive arguing and in general being rude, unkind or aggressive are not welcome here.
If you must engage in debate, remember that you're arguing against the principle and not the person.
Enforcement of this rule is at the discretion of the mod team.
It is against rule 7 of Reddit's Content Policy to use Reddit to solicit or facilitate any transaction or gift involving an illegal or controlled substance, such as cannabis products. Thus, strictly prohibited on r/Carts.
Any attempts to use r/Carts to facilitate this behaviour will result in a permanent ban.
It is against rule 7 of Reddit's Content Policy to use Reddit to solicit or facilitate any transaction or gift involving a controlled item, such as a concentrate vape.
Any posts looking to buy, sell, exchange, trade, or gift a vape device will be removed. This is to protect the longevity of the subreddit.
Linking vendors is considered against rule 7 of Reddit's Content Policy.
This rule does not apply to external links to appropriately licensed pharmacies for FDA (or equivalent) approved medications. If we have applied this rule in error, please let us know.
If you're experiencing any negative health effects that you may believe to be related to your vaping carts, stop vaping and see a qualified health professional.
Do not ask for health advice on Reddit.
Reddit is not an appropriate place for medical advice, and medical advice given here cannot be trusted.
Advertisements are prohibited on this subreddit.
If you have a product that you would like to inform the community about, please contact the mod team, who will schedule an AMA or other event if appropriate.
This is a subreddit for discussing cannabis carts - not asking for things. Absolutely no begging/fundraisers etc. whatsoever.
Content must be related to cannabis carts and their accessories. Off-topic content will be removed at moderator discretion.
You must be 18 years or older to participate in this subreddit.
Anyone suspected of being under the age of 18 will be banned.
By participating, you confirm that you are 18 or older and understand that this subreddit may contain mature content.
/r/vaporents (259.4K)
/r/WaxPens (5.5K)
/r/abv (82.5K)
/r/RBA (10.1K)
/r/UKVaporents (2.3K)
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