Spicy subreddit /r/vaporents

About this subreddit:

Reddit's largest community focusing on cannabis flower vaporizers!

Dry-herb vaporizers heat cannabis flower to a point where its active compounds are aerosolised and can be inhaled, but there is no smoke or combustion!


  1. 1. Strictly 18+ Only

    r/Vaporents is strictly an 18+ community. Any Redditor suspected of being under 18 will be banned.

    If you are over 18 and have been banned, please contact us via ModMail and we will work with you to revoke the ban.

    If you are under 18 and looking for information on dry herb vapes for prescribed medical cannabis use, please ask your carer to post on your behalf or contact the mod team for help.

  2. 2. Be civil to your fellow users.

    Be civil to each other when making posts or comments. No personal attacks. Harassment and bullying will not be tolerated.

    If you berate or harass the mods after receiving a warning, you will be banned.

  3. 3. No Sales, Trades, Exchanges, or Gifts

    It is against rule 7 of Reddit's Content Policy to use Reddit to solicit or facilitate any transaction or gift involving a controlled item, such as a dry-herb vape or accessory.

  4. 4. No Posts About Carts, Concentrate Vapes or Nicotine Vapes

    This subreddit is for content about dry-herb vapes only.

    For carts, go to r/Carts For wax pens, go to r/WaxPen For nicotine vapes, go to r/Vaping

    This does not mean no posts about using concentrates in your dry herb device, those are still allowed.

  5. 5. Don't ask about or share info about obtaining cannabis/THC. Do not post links about hemp/CBD.

    Do not offer/explain/ask how to acquire cannabis products like whole buds, concentrates (oil, shatter, wax, etc.), edibles, tinctures, and any other product containing THC.

    Products containing CBD and Delta-8 are considered legal in many areas. Discussion of these products is okay, but do not share any links to sites that sell those products.

  6. 6. No ABV Recipe/Usage Posts

    Content regarding ABV: - Recipes - Usage tips and questions - Usage pictures

    Will be removed and referred to r/ABV

    Content regarding ABV such as: - Is this vaped enough? - Showing roasts/extractions from vapes - AVB colors at different temperatures

    Are allowed as they're more related to dry herb vaping than AVB usage.

  7. 7. Keep posts relevant to cannabis dry herb vaporizers. No shitposts/memes.

    Posts (including images) should relate to cannabis dry herb vaporizers or the /r/vaporents community. Discussions about alternative uses for dry herb vaporizers are acceptable. No cross-sub drama.

    Don't submit posts that are memes or image macros, they are allowed in the comments section or /r/dhvmemes only.

    General cannabis submissions (non-vape news, pictures of cannabis, non-vape related content) belong in subreddits such as r/trees or r/cannabis. Low quality posts/comments may be removed.

  8. 8. Don't submit link posts as discussions.

    If you want to discuss a product, sale, or third party post talk about it in a self-post and include the link in the text. Alternatively, bloggers/manufacturers/vendors, if it's not asked for, do not promote products you sell in comments. There shouldn't be any reason to off-topic mention your sale/deal on a product they asked about. If you are the content creator include an excerpt or summary of the content our users are being led to. All direct link posts are subject to removal.

  9. 9. No sharing links to hemp/cbd flower sites.

    Comments or posts that contain links to hemp/cbd flower sites will be removed. If you continue to share links to such sites after receiving a warning, this may result in a ban.

  10. 10. No cross sub drama posts.

    Posts about drama on EntExchange or other Ent subs are not allowed.

  11. 11. Low Effort Content

    Low effort content is not allowed.


    • Low info recommendation requests.
    • Shoutout/praise posts with little detail/context.
    • Posting the same content multiple times.
    • Pictures of boxes containing new devices.
    • Order screens or receipts.
    • Memes, image macros, shitposts. Post memes in /r/dhvmemes.

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